Frequently Asked Questions

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors

An ENT doctor, or an otolaryngologist, is a medical specialist who focuses on diagnosing and treating ear, nose, and throat conditions. They are trained in the medical and surgical management of disorders affecting these areas.

You should consider seeing an ENT doctor if you experience persistent or recurrent problems related to the ear, nose, or throat. Some of the most common symptoms we treat include stuffy nose, persistent or recurrent sinus infections, nasal drip, hoarseness, recurrent sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. If you have concerns or symptoms related to these areas, our ENT specialists can provide specialized care and expertise.

Your healthcare system and insurance requirements determine whether you need a referral to see an ENT doctor. In some cases, a referral from a primary care physician may be necessary, while in others, you may be able to schedule an appointment directly with an ENT specialist.

Nose and Sinus Disorders, Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are typically not contagious. While they usually occur as a result of a bacterial or viral infection, they are not directly transmitted from person to person. However, you should always wash your hands after blowing your nose and dispose of tissues properly.

The duration of a sinus infection may vary. Acute sinusitis usually lasts for a few weeks, while untreated chronic sinusitis can last for months or even years. Seek medical attention if symptoms do not improve with treatment or worsen over time.

If you experience persistent or worsening symptoms related to nose and sinus disorders, schedule an appointment with your ear, nose and throat doctor. Seek medical attention if symptoms significantly affect your quality of life, last longer than expected, or if you develop severe pain, high fever, or other concerning symptoms.

Sinus and Nasal Surgery

When medications and other treatments fail to resolve symptoms such as nasal congestion, sinus pressure, drainage, and more, sinus surgery may be well worth the minimal risks. Medical studies show over 80 to 90% of people experience significant and lasting relief of symptoms with surgery. At Snowden ENT, we also promote minimally-invasive procedures with less risk, shorter recovery time and effective results.

The cost of sinus surgery varies depending on the complexity of the case and type of procedure. Your sinus surgery may actually include a number of smaller procedures to address multiple issues in the sinuses. Insurance companies recognize sinus surgery as both effective and cost efficient, and most sinus surgery is covered by insurance when deemed medically necessary.

Healing after sinus surgery can take several weeks to several months, but most patients can return to work or school within just a few days after surgery.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery costs can vary, because it can include a number of procedures to address multiple issues in the sinuses. In general, this procedure is considered more cost effective than continued medical treatment for conditions like sinusitis. Most health insurance carriers have policies for sinus surgery if your ear, nose and throat doctor deems it medically necessary.

Most functional endoscopic sinus surgeries take about two hours, though everyone’s case is different. This is a minimally-invasive procedure performed through your nostril, so no skin is cut. Recovery takes about one to two weeks to resume normal activities.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is the most common surgery for sinus conditions, and studies show over 80 to 90% of people feel the surgery resolved their sinus issues. For patients experiencing severe symptoms of nasal congestion, pain, drainage, and more, this minimally-invasive procedure can be well worth it.