Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialty Care in Jacksonville, FL


Led by Dr. Todd Snowden, an experienced otolaryngologist (and former Chief of Staff at Baptist Medical Center South), the dedicated team at Snowden ENT specializes in the medical and surgical care of nasal and throat disorders. That includes all types of sinus surgery, from sinus balloon surgery to chronic sinusitis surgery and more. 

At Snowden ENT, we prioritize our patients’ comfort and care. That’s why we advocate for minimally-invasive surgery in the treatment of sinus and throat disorders. We are committed to providing comprehensive, hands-on care to patients across Jacksonville and Northeast Florida, including the Beaches, Nassau, and Clay Counties. 

Sinus and Nasal Procedures (Including Sinus Balloon Surgery)

Sinus procedures like balloon sinuplasty (also known as sinus balloon surgery or balloon sinus dilation) must be handled with precision and care. Dr. Todd Snowden has decades of experience in the surgical treatment of all sinus conditions.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

For patients with sinusitis, endoscopic sinus surgery (also known as image-guided surgery) can provide tremendous relief. Dr. Snowden has performed this minimally-invasive procedure for decades and uses the latest advanced techniques for the best results.

Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation

Posterior nasal nerve ablation is a minimally-invasive procedure to treat patients with chronic rhinitis and persistent nasal drip. Dr. Snowden has years of experience performing this advanced technique, which reduces nasal congestion and improves quality of life.

Vocal Cord Surgery

Dr. Snowden specializes in the treatment of vocal cord paralysis, including voice therapy, injections and surgical options. If you are living with vocal cord paralysis, we are here for you.