Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation

About Chronic Rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is a common problem, affecting an estimated 2 billion individuals worldwide including 87 million in the United States. It is often caused by abnormal or overactive nerve signals from the brain to the nose. Some patients may experience persistent nasal drip or postnasal drainage. Other symptoms of chronic rhinitis may include stuffy nose and throat clearing.

Initial Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis

Initial therapy may include medications such as oral or nasal antihistamines. Ipratropium spray can be very effective, though this may have unwanted side effects in some patients.

Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation

If initial medical treatment does not control your symptoms, Dr. Snowden may offer a simple procedure called posterior nasal nerve ablation to provide lasting relief. This procedure interrupts the nerve signals to the nasal tissue, reducing nasal drip and congestion.

Posterior nasal nerve ablation is effective in both allergic and non-allergic types of rhinitis. Its effectiveness has been well supported by medical data, and it has become widely offered since it was first approved by the FDA.

Options for Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation

These procedures are typically done in the operating room with other procedures, or they may be done in the office under local anesthesia as a stand-alone procedure. In clinical studies to gain FDA clearance, 4 out of 5 patients reported long-lasting relief of their rhinitis. Most patients begin to see improvement between two and 6 weeks post-treatment. Side effects of treatment include temporary discomfort or pain, particularly around the upper molars, and increased nasal congestion up to a week after surgery.